

Step 1: Create a bucket Choose  Create bucket . Enter the  Bucket name Step 2: Enable static website hosting Step 3: Edit Block Public Access settings In the  Buckets  list, choose the name of the bucket that you want to enable static website hosting for. Choose  Properties . Under  Static website hosting , choose  Edit . Choose  Use this bucket to host a website . Under  Static website hosting , choose  Enable . In  Index document , enter the file name of the index document, typically  index.html Step 4: Add a bucket policy that makes your bucket content publicly available  Test your website endpoint Under  Buckets , choose the name of your bucket. Choose  Properties . At the bottom of the page, under  Static website hosting , choose your  Bucket website endpoint . Your index document opens in a separate browser window.

Create a VM and configure security groups with defined Inbound and Outbound rules like letting traffic through HTTP, ICMP, TCP,SSL(TLS).

  First create a key pair with .pem file format Now your key pair is created Next create an instance Now the instance is successfully been created Select the paticular instance and check the security group id and make a note of it Select the security group with the same instance id and click edit inbound rules. Add the rules such as TCP,HTTP,TLS AND ICMP The same process is done for outbound rules also allowing the traffic in both. Then click Save rules. Now our  VM has been created with the given security groups configured.

EX 7 b)Set up a RDS Mysql server in AWS

step 1 : search for RDS in services and go to RDS.Click on Create Database in Create Database Section on Dashboard.Choose Standard Create to configure db Instance.Choose MYSQL in Engine options and Free Tier in Templates. step 2: Configure a DB instance name and credentials settings. step 3: In connectivity and security copy the host name step 4 : Install mysql workbench and setup new connection  step 5: Enter created password for testing the connection step 6 : In security group edit your inbound rules for connection step 7 : successfully connect your RDS in mysql server and create database step 8: create table for my database and insert data  


step 1: launch an instance. You can able to see the dashboard of launch an instance.EC2 allows you to create an instances that runs on the AWS cloud. I have given the name as "mysql-server" step 2: you have successfully launched instance step 3: connect to your instance Step 4: After connecting your instance. Give some commands for installing Mysql server in AWS sudo yum update -y  sudo yum install -y mariadb-server sudo systemctl enable mariadb sudo systemctl start mariadb sudo mysql_secure_installation Step 5: create a password for mysql server step 6: start your mysql server

Create and Carryout Read and Write Operation in AWS Dynamo DB​

  Navigate to AWS dynamo DB service and create a table as follows After creation open the table and start adding all the attributes you need I have added three attributes as follows I have also tried editing the items by adding a new attribute to one of the item as follows Coming to scan option I tried adding a filter product-id to filter out items as follows And the results were as follows: